Health & Wellness
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The policies of health insurance companies today are making it harder for pharmacies to stay in business, according to Jim Stage, and that affects the people who need prescriptions.  Stage … more
Rosie Jablonsky brushed out the curly hair of a young girl, as stylists in the Mall of America salon gathered around. “She looks like a lion,” one stylist said. “She hates her … more
Had a tough day at work and don’t feel like cooking, but don’t want to pay the price for the family to eat out? Too Good to Go (TGTG) may solve your problem, and enlist your help in … more
The world is awash in plastic. Every day, the equivalent of 2,000 garbage trucks full of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes. Beyond the aesthetic mess of plastic … more
Patrick Stephenson, a Minneapolis resident, peddled on his electric cargo bike from the Minnesota State Capitol, cheering as music blasted from DJ Eric on Saturday, June 17, 2023. The Joyful Riders … more
Some time ago, after suffering the shocking and unexpected loss of my still young husband, Martijn, while we were living in Europe, I experienced what is called traumatic grief. In addition to a year … more
HyggeCertainly, the long, cold, dark Minnesota winters can spark a melancholia for some. Yet frigid temperatures and spare daytime hours can also create the mood to hibernate, as other creatures of … more
Ever been accused of having a thin skin? When it comes to maintaining proper body temperature, this old adage is no joke. As we age, our metabolic rate decreases and our skin literally thins. Often, … more
Murray’s National Junior Honor Society group held a Coins for Children’s Cancer drive in October. They raised $329.98, so three staff members rose to the challenge and volunteered to have … more
Beach to beechWhen I arrived in Minnesota as an east coast transplant in the late 1980s, my summer visions were of expanses of New Jersey beaches rather than expansive views of blue beeches, the … more
What do you do when a foster child you have raised for several years is suddenly going home to her birth parents? How do you react the first time the school principal calls you in to discuss a … more
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide rates in Minnesota declined slightly in 2020, but it’s important to remember there were a record number of suicides in 2019, and this is … more
Summer in the cities finds metro residents flocking like sheep to partake of the bounty offered at more than 15 local farmers market from various neighborhood locations. (See sidebar on page 3.) … more
Carolyn Holbrook loves to bring people together to discuss difficult issues. As an educator, author and advocate for the healing power of the arts, she has spent much of her life doing just that. … more
A patient who had an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine was having second thoughts. They were anxious to receive the vaccine and did not know if they wanted to continue on the day that they were … more
Summertime is the perfect time for enjoying reading. It can be an opportunity to inspire the reluctant reader by introducing a new book genre like science fiction. Alternatively, it can provide the … more
When Lloyd’s Pharmacy rebuilt at the corner of Snelling and Minnehaha Ave., the small clinic providing services to women housed in the building reopened, too.It emerged with a new name and … more
Much has been written about the benefits of exercise and being outdoors to beat the blues. According to a recent report from the American Psychological Association, “There is mounting evidence, … more
On Friday, Oct. 8, 2021, the Minnesota United Football Club (MNUFC) hosted the first high school matches ever played at Allianz Field – the sixth annual Mayor’s Cup trophy games between … more
When Mishka Vertin moved from New York City to Minneapolis in 2014, she hit the ground running. Trained as a social worker, she took a job at Mill City Running while looking for a job in her field. … more
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