
First the bad news: Frogtown, Saint Paul’s most diverse and vibrant neighborhood, will be hard hit by the coming climate crisis. Residents of our low-income neighborhood are already suffering from the increased heat of summer, elevated air pollution levels, and flooding from severe rainstorms.
And now the good news: more than 200 Frogtowners and friends gathered on Aug. 20 to learn ways to cope with and combat the impacts of climate change – in a lively, fun-filled event called the Climate Carnival, sponsored by Frogtown Green.
The carnival took place in a series of festive tents on the Lily Pad, a community gathering space on Dale Street. Each tent focused on a different aspect of sustainability, with hands-on games, make-and-take opportunities, and exhibits.
Kids at the carnival inaugurated a rain garden by catapulting (toy) frogs into a water-filled pool; sorted through microscopic seeds to save them for future pollinator plantings; and learned about alternative energy sources by pedaling a bike to make spin art masterpieces. Game prizes included free treats from La Cucharada, the new ice cream shop on Dale Street, as well as take-home art kits donated by the Bell Museum.
Climate change is a global problem of course, and there is only so much that each of us, as individuals, can do to change the massive political and economic forces that are driving it. But taken together, even the smallest steps can get us a long way toward a goal of more sustainable homes, communities, and even cities.
Patricia Ohmans founded Frogtown Green, a volunteer-powered initiative to build green beauty in the Frogtown neighborhood. We plant trees, cultivate gardens and work toward a healthier environment. If you’d like to know more, our website is or you can contact us directly at 651-757-5970.


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