By Shevek McKee, Executive director,
Como Curb Cleanup this Fall
Como Community Council is partnering with Capitol Region Watershed District again for the 2023 Como Curb Cleanup. When it rains, leaves on streets release nutrients into the water that flows into storm drains and the lake. There it becomes food for invasive algae. Studies have shown that sweeping up the leaves that sit against the curb where this stormwater/ice melt flows is surprisingly effective in reducing this damage.
Join 100+ neighbors in sweeping your curb once a week this fall, October and November, to help keep Lake Como clean. You can learn more and register as an “official” participant, which greatly helps us track our effectiveness, here on the D10 website:
Thanks For Showing Up, Como!
We want to thank all of the community members who have come out to our recent D10 Como Community Council events. The Sept. 16 Citywide Dropoff at the Fairgrounds saw a dramatic increase in participation over the past couple years, over 700 vehicles dropped off over 20 tons of electronics and 15 tons of mattresses. We can’t thank our over 40 community volunteers enough for helping out! (It’s also worth noting that you can recycle electronics for free all year.)
Our Sept. 23, Lake Como Cleanup event shattered our cleanup attendance record with 63 participants! Thanks to everyone who came out to all of our cleanup events this year, and to the German Immersion School for helping send parents/students/staff our way as well!
You can still help us break another participation record this year by registering for our Fall Como Curb Cleanup!
We’re already hard at work on our 2024 community events calendar. All are welcome to join our monthly community meetings to help us plan our events and initiatives.
Know Your Como?
Join Our Community Writers!
Do you like researching history or getting to know your neighbors? Then you could be exactly who we are looking for to help with our Know Your Como project.
Over the past two years, the D10 Neighborhood Relations committee has coordinated volunteer writers to celebrate and appreciate the large and small contributions of our neighbors and the diversity that make the Como neighborhood a special place. The Know Your Como pieces are posted on the D10 website and weekly newsletter, but you can find all the articles to date at Email if you would like to join the volunteer team!
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