Planting seeds

Celebrating teachers and learning


The month of May is the time to celebrate. There is an opportunity to honor teachers and recognize the importance of reading. We each can play a vital role in supporting our children’s education. This is affirmed by the proverb: “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Here are a few strategies you can use to celebrate learning throughout the month of May:

The more children read, the greater their capacity to learn and make a difference in the world will be. Reading is a key building block of learning. However, the major question many educational leaders are exploring is: how to cultivate an environment where children discover joy in reading? One of the main ways to accomplish this is by bringing awareness to the importance of reading and using children’s books to support learning.
Children’s Book Week was inspired by Franklin K. Matthiews, the librarian of the Boy Scouts of America. In 1913, after discovering new knowledge about engaging children through reading. He served as a key advocate for creating high-quality children’s books. He decided to dedicate a whole week to creating an enriching learning experience through reading for children across the nation. Mr. Matthiews’ hard work yielded positive results as evidenced by the official launch of Children’s Book Week in 1919. This year will be the 104th Anniversary of the momentous occasion of motivating children to read and lead.

Floyd Cooper was an award-winning children’s book illustrator. His illustrations focused on honoring African American culture and history. For over 30 years, his artistry has captured the essence of Black life. His illustrations illuminate the beauty of Blackness and the strength of the Black community.
His legacy lives on through classrooms, homes, and libraries around the world. When children see his artistry, they are motivated to learn more about African American history. Notable books illustrated by Mr. Cooper include: “Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre,” “Juneteenth for Mazie,” “Jump!,” and “A Day for Rememberin’: Inspired by the True Events of the First Memorial Day.”

Teachers are key to supporting children on their learning journey. They support students in building their self-esteem, developing critical thinking skills, and reaching their dreams. Data shows 88% of people indicate a teacher had a significant, positive impact on their life.
Teachers can have a positive impact both inside and outside the classroom. They serve as trusted advisors and mentors. They reach an average of 3,000 students during their careers.
This month, you can support literacy by helping to organize a book drive for a local school or volunteering at the library. You can support teachers by volunteering at the Kids in Need Foundation in Roseville which provides free school supplies to 1,000 local teachers, totaling $1M in supplies.
Through her organization, Planting People Growing Justice Leadership Institute, Dr. Artika Tyner seeks to plant seeds of social change through education, training, and community outreach.


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