220 results total, viewing 21 - 40
A “for sale” sign is up at the Holcomb-Henry-Boom-Purcell funeral home, 536 N. Snelling Ave. If property use changes under a new owner, that brings an end to more than a century of … more
DON’T WRECK PAVILION WITH NEW PLAN We have lived near Como Park for 35 years. We visit most days. Over two decades we have seen crowds grow significantly at the Pavilion with the addition of a … more
Pretty much anyone who lives in Frogtown for any length of time has been dumped on. Our home is no exception. Tires in the alley. A broken TV on the curb. A sodden couch with a hopeless … more
“Life is just a short walk from the cradle to the grave – and it sure behooves us to be kind to one another along the way.” – Alice Childress “The hottest place in Hell … more
As University Avenue and other main corridors in the Midway continue to transform, it felt like a good time to talk about a few of the recent and upcoming changes. Life Juices Super Food Bar opened … more
I am sharing exciting news about the release of Tisidra Jones’ new book, “A Guide to Business Inclusion Programs in Government Contracting.” It provides practical strategies for … more
JUDGE RUNNING FOR OFFICE My name is Tim Mulrooney. I am a lifelong St. Paul resident, serving and seeking re-election as your Ramsey County judge. I have been a licensed attorney since 1994. I have … more
“It meant that we were a part of what we considered a historical movement, so it was of great sense. Think of that; nothing had been done like that before.” Josie Johnson “We … more
At a recent Midway Chamber event, we were joined by Priya and Vikas Narula. They are a married couple who created Neighborhood Forest, a nonprofit organization who gives kids trees every Earth Day, … more
Black Philanthropy Month is celebrated during the month of August. This annual celebration focuses on uplifting the Black community and building a more just and inclusive society. The theme for Black … more
“We now stand together on that mountain of which we never thought we would see.” - Sheila Jackson Lee. “Don’t take America and the values reflected in our form of … more
The Midway Chamber Board of Directors recently held its annual retreat. This is common practice for nonprofits and a great way to focus on priorities and the strategies to implement work for the … more
I interviewed Elise Washington to gain new insights into how families can inspire children to learn, grow, and lead. Elise Washington is known as Wonder Teacher Washington because for years she has … more
“The cause of freedom is not the cause of a race or a sect, a party or a class – it is the cause of human kind, the very birthright of humanity.” Anna Julia Cooper   … more
Since the ‘90s, the Midway Chamber of Commerce has had an office at the Spruce Tree Centre. Anyone who spends time in the Midway knows it as the “big green tile building at the corner of … more
I am sharing exciting news about Karen Sieber, historian, educator, and leader in public humanities this month. She has discovered a missing chapter in Minnesota’s history about our … more
Happy beautiful June! This has been an exciting leap year, and it feels like we keep leaping through a Winkle in Time of historic and enchanting events, as well as sad and tragic events. For … more
FROM PRINCESS TITUS I feared writing about this topic, but I wanted us to be seen, heard and cared for without judgment.  The truth that I face every day gets hard around holidays, but … more
Planting People Growing Justice Leadership Institute (PPGJLI) is committed to building inclusive communities. This is a daily journey that begins with growing futures – one child at a time and … more
A proposal to create a statewide recycling program financed by paper and packaging producers is included in the House & Senate Environment Omnibus bills ( HF 3911 / SF 3887 ). However, unless … more
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